
cold desert

i'm on the corner, waiting for a light to come on
that's when i know that you're alone
it's cold in the desert, water never sees the ground
special unspoken without sound

you told me you loved me, that i'd never die alone
hand over your heart, let's go home
everyone noticed, everyone has seen the signs
i've always been known to cross lines

i've never ever cried when i was feeling down
i've always been scared of the sound
jesus don't love me, no one ever carried my load
i'm too young to feel this old

is it you, is it me
or does nobody know, nobody see

nobody but me



all i want is to be held and be able to let it all out...

somebody's gotta be there to hold all the pieces together while i fall apart.


the butterfly

if you love someone, set them free.
if they come back, they're yours.
if they don’t, they never were.


paper heart

italian lunches
lazy day
breakfasts in bed
daisy the horse
infinite trail rides
perfect moments
the freshest sushi ever
candlelit baths
endless picture taking
delicious champagne
keepsake cork
floor bed of pillows
wolf blass
romantic movies
swiss chalet

falling asleep in eachother's arms before the clock strikes midnight... ♥

at the beginning of this weekend, i was in tears... terrified that we might not spend our anniversary together, or even worse... that you would leave. but we made it through and over another obstacle. we held eachother's hands and found a way to work it out, like we always do.

part of me will always be terrified, because i have everything i've ever wanted and there is no guarantee that i will have it forever. but i know that i will never give up fighting or trying. i'd do anything for you and that is one thing that will never change. no matter what, even if it hurts.

thank you for the best 2 year celebration i could've asked for. and for the best, hardest, easiest, most worth it 2 years of my life. thank you for being you. thank you for understanding me (most of the time, i know i don't always make it easy). thank you for appreciating me and recognizing the things that no one else does. thank you for always catching me when i fall. thank you for always being honest. thank you for always making me laugh hysterically even when i feel like crying until i run out of tears and dehydrate myself. thank you for being my bestest best friend. thank you for loving me. thank you for falling in love with me.

now & forever baby girl.


sharks and danger

don't fucking put me on the back burner.


meet me halfway

i'm really sick and tired of the same old song and dance. of all you bullshit fakes, liars and hypocrites. of all the friends who come and go without a second thought, or a glance over the shoulder as they walk away.

i'd like to say all that i've endured in my life, especially within the past 3 years or so, has made me stronger in some way. there are times when i sit and think to myself, why? why do i give second, third and fourth chances to people who i know will never change or make the effort to? why do i care so much about people who don't care enough about me or about friendship to try?

i'm sick of being the first one to apologize, or having to apologize at all when i know i haven't done anything wrong. i'm sick of being the first one to cave. i'm sick of being the only one making efforts in friendships and trying so hard to keep them together and to keep contact with people.

life is too fucking short for this bullshit. and if i have to lose friends because of my honesty or whatever else, so be it. i would rather that then have to fake it to keep people close.



give me a break.


the kind of girl that whispers 'thank god for you'

i can't trust anyone.

the grace

in better days i've been known to listen
i go to waste, all my time is missing
i'm mapping out my ending, it's never gonna happen now
these things are condescending with everybody backing down

you pray to stars that can help you get by
and all at once you forget to try
i'd go there if you let me, they're never gonna find me now
my life is always empty and in and out of doubt

you're not coming back for me, these things they will never be
i'm so used to being wrong, so put me where i belong

i'll get back to you, god knows i try, but i still lose
and i get back to you, these days run by, but i still lose

angels say they can make you suffer
they give and take like a vicious lover

when all this loses meaning, you'll never want it back somehow
awake but still i'm dreaming
and never waking up

alone...where i'm not alone


if it kills me

you're far from perfect...
but at the end of the day, i know you'll be there.

waiting to listen.
waiting to comfort.
waiting to understand.

i still believe you're the one for me.
and i'm pretty convinced now that nothing will ever change that.