
meet me halfway

i'm really sick and tired of the same old song and dance. of all you bullshit fakes, liars and hypocrites. of all the friends who come and go without a second thought, or a glance over the shoulder as they walk away.

i'd like to say all that i've endured in my life, especially within the past 3 years or so, has made me stronger in some way. there are times when i sit and think to myself, why? why do i give second, third and fourth chances to people who i know will never change or make the effort to? why do i care so much about people who don't care enough about me or about friendship to try?

i'm sick of being the first one to apologize, or having to apologize at all when i know i haven't done anything wrong. i'm sick of being the first one to cave. i'm sick of being the only one making efforts in friendships and trying so hard to keep them together and to keep contact with people.

life is too fucking short for this bullshit. and if i have to lose friends because of my honesty or whatever else, so be it. i would rather that then have to fake it to keep people close.

1 comment:

  1. al's two cents:
    life is too short to waste time on people who aren't wanting to give you time. Life is too short to have parasites in your life. Life is too short to care what everyone else is thinking or doing. Sara, life is too fucking short!

    I don't know who or what this is about specifically, but the general advice stays the same... Fuck 'em. Do your thing. Be the best you YOU can be, and if they want to be friends, be friends, but if they're going to be parasites, and suck the life out of you, then cut them lose. cut the bloodsuckers loose, because they will only kill your buzz.
