
but you are.

it's safe to say, it seems as though the universe doesn't want us to last. we have a lot on our plate as a couple, and a lot on our plates as individuals and i'm not naive... i know that it's only going to get harder, the older we get and the more responsibilities we gain.

truth be told, i think us meeting was in perfect timing. i know now, looking back, that i was much too fragile to be able to deal with my own stuff, let alone playing such a supportive role in someone else's life. getting my heart shattered was probably the best thing that could've ever happened to me... it made me ready for you.

i am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. that we meet people on purpose, not by chance. you were meant to be a part of my life, and it wasn't until i was completely over my past and ready to take this on, that you and i finally met. everything that's happened, has lead me here... to you.

maybe the universe doesn't want us to last... but i don't want to let go. it doesn't matter, the battles we have to fight, the fire we may have to walk through, the troubles we may have to endure. i know it will be hard as hell, but you are so worth it. we are.

i love you, and as long as we keep our fingers intertwined, we can face anything.
don't let go.

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