
to do

- pay off visa bill
- SAVE MONEY! (at the very least, $1000 before christmas)
- get pictures developed and taken off computer
- new black flats
- picture albums/frames
- make dermatologist/doctor appointment
- get started on christmas shopping early
- help mom with rent or groceries
- keep on top of my phone bill/face products
- new winter coat
- save up for 2 year trip
- join LA fitness
- get 2872350982 pairs of jeans hemmed
- wicker baskets for movies



it's funny...

i almost feel more fucked up now.


a lack of colour

the part of me that wants to hope, has been pushed so far deep inside me that it may never resurface when it comes to the thought of us having any sort of relationship.

but if nothing else... this was closure.


my favourite book

and that is why we'll always make it... ♥

the reminder

he took it all away.

i wish i could fix you.

so help me god...


liar, liar

if we're keeping score...


black or white

r.i.p michael jackson.


fall wishlist ♥

i pulled the trigger

you break my heart.

i wish i was someone you saw as worth it.
but it's a lose-lose situation with you.
it always was.

i hate that i can never give up on you.
and yet it seems so easy for you to not have me even cross your mind.

i may not always "reach out" in the right or best ways...
but atleast i do it at all.


i want you to want me

what about me?
do you even care?



i can't stand that you'd rather be friends and make the effort with everyone besides me.



she isn't worth it
she isn't worth it
she isn't worth it
she isn't worth it
she isn't worth it

you are a sorry excuse for a human being.
a shell of the girl you once were.

but i don't regret reaching out...
because atleast i can walk away knowing i give people my all.