
this is how bored i am.

are you "with" the very last person you kissed?
i am! :)

how's your hair looking?
meh... kinda straight, kinda not. it's the end of the day so it's lost it's straightness.

is it more common for you to follow your heart or your mind?

have you ever been in a car accident?
minor ones.

what is your favourite drink?

this time last year, do you remember who you liked?
my incredibly handsome fiancé.

what's your favorite piercing?
that i have? my nose. in general, on anyone? i guess nose rings or tongue piercings.

think back to the last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them?
a lot.

what are you thinking about right now?
dirty things.

what time did you go to bed last night?
i think around midnight.

will this weekend be a good one?
well it's my last weekend before i start second semester, so i'm hoping it will be good!

is there anyone you know that deserves to get punched?
i don't really think violence solves anything, regardless of how moronic or ignorant people can be. so no.

have any new regrets this year?
ummm... not that i can think of. i try not to regret.

what did you do today in detail?
i woke up, went online/on FB for a while, made breakfast, got showered/ready, went to costco to buy groceries with my mom, went to pick up my straightener, went to shopper's to buy hair products, came home, went online some more, ate dinner, cleaned up, now i'm sitting on the computer again.

do you like anyone?
i'm madly in love with someone.

do you have a chance with them?
well i'm engaged to him, so i had better hope so :P

if you could move anywhere, where would it be?
hmm... well i'm thinking british columbia right now. or guelph, if i end up staying in ontario.

how old are your parents?
50 and 52.

what are you going to do after this?
browse facebook some more, talk to seth, go to bed.

how was your day?
relaxing, yet productive.

where are you right now, at this exact moment?
my tv room.

do you talk in your sleep?
i have before, but i don't think i have lately. you would have to ask seth.

do you like your life as of now?
i love my life as of right now!

what are you listening to?
the mummy on tv.

what happened at 9am today?
i was just getting out of bed.

what was the last thing someone bought you?
my mom bought me burrito boyz last night.

do you sleep a lot?
i sleep a normal amount?

what was the last thing you laughed really hard about?
i'm not sure.

how do you feel about your hair right now?

where's the last place you went besides your house?
shopper's drug mart.

if you were in a war, would you survive?
probably not lol.

where was your display picture taken?
at the steamwhistle brewery.

your relationship status?
engaged :)

have you ever lost a close friend?
not in terms of death, no. but otherwise, yes.

what's your mood right now?
bored, and wishing i didn't eat that klondike bar.

where do you wish you were right now?
with him.

do you have a crazy side?
everyone does!

ever had a near death experience?
ummm... no, i don't think so.

do you hate anyone?

what's stopping you from going for the person you like?
nothing, we're engaged.

when was the last time you cried?
last week.

is there anyone you would do anything for?
my mom, my grandma, my best friend, and of course seth.

who or what do you think about when you are falling asleep?
lots of things. usually very random and unimportant stuff.

who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

what is your favorite song?
hmmm, right now... "hey, ho" by the lumineers.

where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
seth gave it to me.

what colour is your cell?

last thing you purchased?
shampoo, conditioner, and leave in conditioning spray.

describe your life in one word:

who are you thinking of right now?

where did you last take a road trip to?
umm... i have no clue.

who was the last person that yelled at you?
probably my mom, but i can't remember.

what is your natural hair color?
a boring, ashy brown.

who was the last person to make you laugh?
jack haha.

who was the last person to make you sad?

is your hair curly or straight?
mostly straight.

been out of the country?
just recently, yes!

held hands with the opposite sex in the past 6 days?

do little things mean a lot to you?
very much so.

are you happy with life right now?

are you currently jealous?

what jewelry are you currently wearing?
earrings, nose ring, feather necklace, engagement ring and my heart ring.

what were you doing last night?
nothing really.

have you ever broken someone's heart?
it's quite possible, but you would have to ask them.

is there anybody you're really disappointed in right now?
umm... perpetually, yes.

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