
keep your ignorance to yourself, please and thx

i find it really quite interesting that people whom i haven't talked to in a year, and never really talked that much to when we did talk, feel as if they have a right to know what's in my partner's pants. while i somewhat expected things like this to occur, i guess part of me had too much faith in people and i figured that since i hadn't heard anything in the past 3 months since my relationship status has changed, that i wouldn't hear anything at all. humans make mistakes by nature, and we're also very curious... i get that. but if you're seriously going to message me saying "yoo dude long time no talk. question out of pure curiosity, are you dating a DUDE?" ...don't expect an answer. thank you for making it seem like you actually give a shit about me, or what i've been up to since we last talked ...really. and i'd like to know why exactly it matters who i'm dating and what their genitals look like. is it because you want to know if i'm still a 'lesbian'? or is it because you're uneducated and ignorant? probably a mix of both. does it even matter to you whether my partner makes me happy? how long we've been together? whether i'm in love or not? i guess not. so thank you to the 'friend' i hadn't talked to in quite some time, who felt like she so desperately needed to know my partner's gender. i guess you will never know, now will you.



this is so much more than anything i've ever felt.


my only sunshine

i know we're meant to be together because i miss you before i've even left.
because when you touch me, i get shivers all over.
because when i'm having a bad day, you're the first person i want to talk to.
because you are truly my best friend.
because i still, after 5 months, get butterflies over the silliest and smallest things.
because i can read you so easily, just by looking into your eyes.
because you are my other half, utterly and completely.

no matter what else is going on around me, and what may not be working out for me right now, i still know i'm the luckiest girl in the world to belong to you.


back to the drawing board

i feel like an utter and complete failure.
i feel ashamed of myself.
i feel like a disappointment and a let down to everyone around me.
and most of all, i feel completely lost.