
cloud 17.9

i'm fully aware that every single one of my posts for the past little while have all been about one thing... i'm sure for some people who read this, it's probably kind of annoying haha.

but the truth is, i have nothing else to write about as of late. and in a way, i feel like that's a good thing.

i have absolutely no drama in my life. i have so many indescribably incredible people surrounding me. i'm happy and healthy, emotionally and physically. my job - although i still plan on leaving for a better opportunity eventually - has picked up and i'm working everyday, therefore making decent money.

but the icing on top of everything (and the whipped cream AND cherry) is that i have fallen so head over heels, crazy in love with someone amazing. i never thought i would find this kind of love again... and to have it now, and have it trump anything i've ever felt before... is almost overwhelming. in the best way possible.

deep inside of you

i can't imagine how much more i could possibly adore you.