
fear and loathing

i believe in equality. i believe that everyone is entitled to feel how they feel, believe what they believe, and love who they want to love. i believe that there is nothing wrong with anyone's religious beliefs.

however, i also believe that there's a difference between having opinions and beliefs, and shoving them down people's throats in an attempt to "save" or "change" that person.

i have a news flash for you... NO ONE CHOOSES TO BE HETEROSEXUAL, therefore... NO ONE CHOOSES TO BE GAY, LESBIAN, QUEER, TRANSGENDERED, etc. if you were treated like shit, made fun of, considered an "abomination", made death threats against, bullied, beaten up for being heterosexual, don't you think you would change that part of yourself IF you could? there are people all over this world being put down and made to feel like a piece of shit or a birth defect, simply because of who they love. teens are committing suicide more and more because they just can't handle the pressures of society and the bullying they are enduring. how could anyone possibly believe that any of us CHOOSE this? it's fucking ridiculous.

we are all human beings. there are billions of us in this world. don't you think it would be pretty fucking boring if we all believed in the same thing? if we all were heterosexual? if we were all christian/hindu/buddhist or whatever religion? open your fucking minds. educate yourselves.

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