
on the pursuit of happiness

i want to say thank you.

in the beginning i was so incredibly lost, hopeless, desperate, self-pitying. i was weak. i couldn't let go.

but in the past couple months i'm feeling refreshed. i feel like a new person. i used to concentrate so much on the people i wanted to like me that i couldn't see all the people around me who DID like me and wanted to be a part of my life. it didn't matter to me how many times i got hurt. and while there are SO many other reasons why this happened, i know that this was yet another contributing factor.

i'm learning more than i ever thought i could or would. i'm learning to let go of the people and things in my life that make me feel negatively. i'm learning to invest myself and my time and energy into the people who truly matter. i'm on the path of making goals for myself, small at first... but i'm hoping by the end of the year to have some kind of idea as to a program i would like to take in college. i'm learning how to be alone and not be miserable doing it. for the first time in my life, being single isn't terrible, it's what i need.

all in all i'm becoming someone i'm proud of. there are so many people to thank, and you are one of them.

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